The Legendary 300 Workout

The Legendary 300 Workout

Being physically fit is not only important for soldiers, but should matter to everyone. Apart from the obvious aspects like health, better well-being and appearance, none of us knows when we might find ourselves in an extreme situation and need the physical performance.

Focusing only on weight training or running is better than nothing in this regard, but in everyday life and (soldiering) jobs we need a mix of strength, endurance and coordination.

The often ridiculed CrossFit is in itself not so bad to combine both, as long as you perform the exercises correctly. Since the whole thing is supposed to be fun, I present to you the original 300 Workout from the legendary movie:


The Exercises:

  1. 25 Pull-Ups
    Build upper-body strength and endurance.

  2. 50 Deadlifts with a 135 lbs Barbell (60kg)
    Focus on raw power and posterior chain development.

  3. 50 Push-Ups
    A classic test of core and upper-body strength.

  4. 50 Box Jumps (24 inches/60 cm)
    Explosive leg power and cardio all in one.

  5. 50 Floor Wipers while holding a 135 lbs Barbell (60kg)
    Engage your core with this dynamic, full-body exercise.

  6. 50 Clean and Press with an 36 lbs Kettlebell (18kg)
    Combine strength, coordination, and stamina in one movement.

  7. 25 Pull-Ups (again)
     Finish strong by pushing your upper-body endurance to the limit.

Background info:

As the name suggests, this workout was developed for the Spartan actors from the movie 300. Surprisingly, the exercises do not focus on pure bodybuilding, but strength endurance with sensible basic or bodyweight exercises. So the full-body workout would actually have made a good workout for real Spartans.

Enjoy the workout and post your times in the comments!

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